Based on the classic film, Singin’ in the Rain opens in 1920s Hollywood with stars Don Lockwood and Lina Lamont hitting the red carpet on the opening night of yet another one of their hit films. Don is then swept away when he meets aspiring actress Kathy Selden. Don, with the help of his trusty childhood friend, Cosmo Brown, pursues Kathy, all while shooting a brand new ‘Talking Picture’ with the unpleasant Lina. The show runs for approximately 2 hours, with an intermission between the acts. The Singin’ in the Rain Company, which includes Novi High School students in the Cast, the Crew, and the Live Pit Orchestra, have been preparing for the show since February. There will be three performances of Singin’ in the Rain at the Fuerst Auditorium in Novi High School. The dates and times are Thursday, April 25th at 5:00 PM, and Friday, April 26th, and Saturday, April 27th at 7:00 PM. Tickets can be bought using the link Prices vary for Seniors/12-and-under, Students, and Adults.