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Novi road projects take center stage
Published: 4/5/2022
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Novi’s leaders have long acknowledged the need for road improvements throughout the City, investing nearly $5 million into local roads each year.

That investment has pushed Novi’s Pavement Surface Evaluation and Rating (PASER) rating from 5.4 in 2014 to 5.8 in 2020. While it’s not a big jump in number, it is significant progress considering the near 200 lane miles of public local streets.

Many of the major issues are on Novi’s major roads, several of which are not under the City’s control. There is a mix of jurisdictions between the City, Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) and the Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC). Our even-numbered Mile Roads and east-west roads are the responsibility of RCOC, while M-5 and I-96/I-696 are MDOT.

A good working relationship with these agencies has helped Novi get several projects completed, and two more are slated for some work this construction season.

The work calls for removal and replacement of two large cross culverts under 10 Mile Road and replacement of the water main. The road is also going to be repaved, including the addition of a continuous center, left-turn lane for the full length of 10 Mile Road between Meadowbrook and Haggerty.

Right-turn and deceleration lanes will be added or extended, an 8-foot sidewalk will be added along the south side of 10 Mile and sidewalk gaps filled on the north side, curbs and gutters will be replaced, and traffic signals at 10 Mile/Meadowbrook and 10 Mile/Cranbrooke will be upgraded.

Limited work will take place this construction season, potentially repairs to the intersection of 10 Mile and Haggerty, with the majority of the work happening in 2023.

Another RCOC project scheduled for this year is the rehabilitation/reconstruction of Novi Road from 10 Mile to Nine Mile Roads. Work this year will take place on the intersection of 10 Mile and Novi Road, while the reconstruction of Novi Road from 10 Mile to Nine Mile Roads will happen in 2023.

One final major road project is scheduled to start this season and it’s a City of Novi one. The City will be rehabilitating Taft Road from south City limits to 10 Mile Road with a potential roundabout being constructed at the Taft/Nine Mile intersection. The project has not yet been approved as of press time, but if it proceeds will include roundabout construction in 2022 and Taft Road rehabilitation in 2023.

If you have any questions about these projects, or just road construction around Novi in general, call 248.735.5628 or email

You can keep tabs on all the road construction planned by visiting

  • Lancaster Court from Galway Drive to End
  • Laramie Drive from 11 Mile Road to Cheyenne Drive
  • Gen-Mar Street (east-west) from north-south portion to End
  • Christina Lane from 10 Mile Road to Buckminster Drive
  • Roberts Road from 9 Mile Road to Park Place Drive
  • Park Place Drive from Napier Road to Roberts Road
  • Sandstone Drive from Hearthstone Drive to Stonewall Court
  • Lochmoor Lane from Glenmoor to Groveland
  • Groveland from Lochmoor Lane to Glenhurst Drive
  • Glenhurst Drive from Groveland to Laramie Drive
  • Galway Drive from Rathlone Drive to Connemara Drive
  • Galway Drive from Novi Road to Westridge Lane
  • Mulberry Lane from Glenmoor to Groveland
* This is a tentative list of streets and is by no means final. Final approval must be given by City Council and will take place in April.