This City of Novi earned Tree City USA recognition for the 32nd time in 2023, due to its commitment to sustaining its urban forest of approximately 40,000 inventoried trees. To earn a Tree City USA accreditation, a City must meet the following standards each year:
- A Tree Board or Department that’s legally responsible for the care of all trees on public property must be in place.
- A basic tree care ordinance must be in place.
- The community’s forestry program must have an annual budget of at least $2 per capita.
- Communities must host an annual Arbor Day observance event and an official Arbor Day proclamation must be passed by public officials.
Novi also earned its 14th consecutive Growth Award from the ADF for going above and beyond the four Tree City USA standards. The following activities contributed to Novi’s Growth Award:
- The City planted 514 trees and 374 shrubs in 2023.
- The City’s contractors pruned 2,703 street trees in 2023 to improve growth form, remove deadwood, and reduce safety hazards.
- Novi carried out invasive species removal projects to address invasive buckthorn in Rotary Park and removed invasive phragmites from parks and public Rights-of-Way throughout the city.
- An emergency appropriation was allocated toward tree debris clean-up in the wake of two severe winter storms in late winter, 2023.