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New trash contract provides cost-savings to residents
Published: 3/9/2021
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A new solid waste, recycling and yard waste provider will be taking over service in Novi beginning July 1. GFL Environmental USA was awarded an eight-year contract with the City and will be replacing current provider Waste Management.

The first-year cost to residents would be $138, down from the $173.88 per year cost currently being paid. GFL's year eight fee is still below the current cost at $148.61. Residents will still receive the same level of service; a 96-gallon trash cart plus additional bags weighing no more than 35 gallons and weekly recycling collection utilizing a 64-gallon card.

Additionally, yard waste collection will be expanded two weeks each season into the second full week of December. 

Furthermore, condo owners will receive a different rate as they usually do not require yard waste collection. Condo residents will enjoy a $111 fee in year one and a $119.53 in year eight of the agreement.

City staff is currently in discussion with Waste Management regarding the possibility of purchasing (and rebranding) the carts currently in Novi garages. If the City (or GFL Environmental) did not acquire the WM carts, similar to the process five years ago, the company awarded the bid will order and deliver new carts before their contract begins in July.