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City of Novi continues to provide essential services to residents amid crisis
Published: 3/25/2020
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We are in the midst of an extraordinary crisis. Our first and foremost responsibility is to ensure the health and safety of our residents, employees, businesses and visitors to our community. As Mayor Bob Gatt said last week, be assured that our Novi is as safe, secure and protected as possible during this challenging time of COVID-19.

The City of Novi, much like a lot of other businesses, is heeding Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's shelter-in-place order with many of our staff members working remotely. However, ALL critical staff and emergency services continue to operate with full staffing. The Stay Home Stay Safe order does not impact any Novi Police or Novi Fire services, including 9-1-1.

Below you will find a list of City Services that may have been adjusted slightly as a result of the changing times. Remember, all municipal facilities remain closed to the public through at least Sunday, April 12.

If you need assistance from the City of Novi, we encourage you to visit for answers to many questions and to utilize online services. Can't find what you are looking for, send a text message to 248.278.7611 or submit a request for service here. The matter will be investigated promptly and someone from the City will be in contact once an update is available.

Police & Fire Departments
  • Police officers, firefighters (both full-time & part-time), and command officers reporting as scheduled.
  • 9-1-1 dispatchers reporting as normal.
Department of Public Works
  • Effective Wednesday, April 1, Waste Management is temporarily suspending non-essential service to include bulk collection, spring and bulk clean-ups, and yard waste collection (which was scheduled to start April 6). Regular trash and recycling service will continue as normal.
  • Simple Recycling will suspend clothing collection operations in the state. This will remain in effect until further notice. They are taking this action because the downstream retailers to which they deliver clothing are not open.
  • All public projects are continuing for now, including the Nine Mile Sewer Project.
Community Development
  • Inspections and in-house reviews are currently on hold.
  • The Planning Commission meeting is taking place at 7pm on March 25 remotely via Zoom webinar.
  • Code compliance officers will continue to keep public spaces safe. Staff is working remotely and will be responding to emergency situations as needed.
Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services
  • All programming is currently canceled and facilities are closed.
  • Older Adult Services Transportation is operating but for dialysis appointments only.
  • Meals on Wheels continues to operate.
  • Check out Novi Parks on Facebook to participate in virtual opportunities.
Novi Public Library
  • All programming, classes & room rentals have been canceled.
  • Do not return items to the library at this time. There is no drive-up window service and return slots are closed. Overdue fines will not be issued during the closure.
  • Librarians are accessible by phone at 248.880.6447 or 248.993.0185 or email from 10am-5pm, Monday-Friday, for homework, research and informational needs.
  • Water bills can be paid by mail to City of Novi - Water P.O. Box 33321, Drawer 47, Detroit, MI 48232; the drop box located outside the Civic Center, by phone 855-340-4487 or online. The Water Department will not be scheduling appointments at this time unless it is an emergency.
  • If you are in need of a dog license, you can purchase it on the Oakland County website. If you have any questions, call 248.347.0440.
  • Property Transfer Affidavits, Request to Rescind Principal Residence Exemption and Principal Residence Exemptions are still being received at this time. Please mail them or use the grey drop box located outside the Civic Center. Staff will process the forms and return an acknowledgement to the homeowner.
Novi's Leadership Team continues to meet daily to monitor the situation and provide any updates as needed.