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Better Roads Ahead weekly road construction update
Published: 6/29/2020
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Every week our buddy BRAD heads out to check on the status of road construction projects throughout Novi. This summer weather has been great for road work thus far and crews are making good progress. See below for additional information on the various programs or visit for additional information.

Asphalt Streets
Pavement has been removed and underdrain installation is underway on Holyoke Lane, Holyoke Court and Salem Court. Crews also began removing pavement on Greenwich west of Holyoke Lane and will remove pavement today on Nantucket, west of Holyoke Lane. It is possible the base course of asphalt could be placed on Holyoke and Salem later this week.

Concrete Streets
The contractor has removed and replaced about 700 feet of northbound Bedford Drive, starting near Center Street and heading south. The plan this week is to continue to remove pavement, install underdrain and place the aggregate base for northbound Bedford.

Concrete Repair Program
Crews are flying through the Concrete Panel Repair Program. Daleview got underway today and the first half of Balfour is complete. Morgan Creek, Pennington Lane & Court, Bristol Court and Bristol Circle East & West are all done. Crews are heading to Bristol Lane next.

Cranbrooke Drive Reconstruction
The City will be reconstructing Cranbrooke Drive from 10 Mile Road to Village Wood Road starting after the Fourth of July. Traffic on Cranbrooke will be northbound ONLY throughout the duration of the project. The detour for southbound Cranbrooke Drive will be east on 10 Mile Road to Haggerty, southbound to Nine Mile, then, westbound to Cranbrooke Drive. Access to all cross streets on Cranbrooke will be maintained except for specific times of paving.