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Active Mobility Draft Plan Adopted
Published: 5/7/2024
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We have some exciting news! The Novi Active Mobility Draft Plan has officially been adopted.

The Novi Active Mobility Plan is an inclusive and comprehensive initiative aimed at improving active transportation options within our community. The draft plan focuses on enhancing the safety, accessibility, and connectivity for people who walk, bike and roll. By prioritizing alternative transportation, the plan aims to promote a more sustainable, healthy, and vibrant community. Here are a few highlights of the plan, with a link below to the adopted plan:

  • The Active Mobility Plan (AMP) is a comprehensive update to the 2011 Non-Motorized Plan, created to help guide the City in making decisions on investments in non-motorized infrastructure such as sidewalks, off-road trails, on-road bicycle lanes, and crosswalks.
  • The Active Mobility Plan seeks to build off the successes of the previous plan in filling in gaps in Novi’s sidewalk and pathway system, providing new bike paths and connections to regional trails, and identifying safer and more direct ways for pedestrians and bicyclists to get around the community.
  • The update incorporates new standards and best practices to improve safety and accessibility for those who walk, bike, or use other mobility-assisting devices.
  • The process included a review of the existing non-motorized network and conditions in Novi. The team also gathered community input throughout 2023 by hosting an online survey, posting yard signs, attending City-sponsored events, holding an open house at the Civic Center, and staging pop-up tables along the ITC trail. Regular updates were provided to the Walkable Novi Committee for review and comment as the draft plan progressed.
  • Important priorities of the Active Mobility Plan include implementing components of the neighborhood greenway network, preparing for transit, and improving access to shopping and dining destinations.
  • Infrastructure projects such as mid-block crosswalks, sidewalk gaps, and connections to regional trails are depicted in maps and graphics throughout the plan. Similar to the 2011 plan, it is expected that implementation of planned recommendations will be reviewed biannually by the Walkable Novi Committee, and by city staff during the preparation of the annual budget and 6-year CIP plan, in order to identify projects that can be completed in an efficient and cost-effective manner. · The adopted plan can be accessed for viewing at the Ride and Walk Novi web page, along with an executive summary and map.